בס”ד 5 May 2024 - כ״ז בניסן ה׳תשפ״ד‎

Parshas Pekudei Questions

question markQuestions on Parshas Pekudei to think about and discuss:

  1. How many times is the building of the mishkon mentioned in the Torah?
  2. What lies behind the name “Mishkon”?
  3. After the completion of the Mishkon, Moshe blessed the Jews that the Shechina should reside there. Why was this needed when Hashem had already said the Shechina would rest there?
  4. When in the year was the Mishkon finished being built?
  5. The Mizbayach HaNechoshes (Copper Altar) is now given a new name of Mizbayach HaOleh in Parshas Pekudei (40:6). Why?
  6. Why when mentioning the setup of the Mishkon does it omit the anointing of the Mishkon and its vessels as well as the Kohanim?
  7. When listing the total of each material donated to the Mishkon it mentions the total amounts of the silver and copper and its usage. However by the gold it only mentions the total and not the usage (38:21). Why?
  8. When talking about the eyfod, chosen and meil the pesukim start off in the singular form and then switch to the plural. Why?
  9. The standing up of the Mishkon was left to Moshe. Why specifically him?
  10. The mizbayach, outer altar, is called (40:10) Kodesh Kodshim. Why is it described as this, an expression reserved for inside the Heichel?
  11. When it describes the order of putting together the different parts of the Aron (40:20) it says that first the Luchos were put in and then the badim were attached followed by the kapores. Why put the badim on before the kapores (as surely it was just for carrying and should therefore come last)?
  12. Why is the kiyor mentioned after the mizbayach when it was positioned before it?
  13. Why after mentioning the kiyor it adds what it was used for, something not done to describe after the other vessels?
  14. Why did the entrance of the courtyard have a screen further forward than the walls on the side? Why not instead have a doorway or simply have an open space?
  15. Why does it mention so many times the phrase that Moshe carried out like Hashem commanded him after each vessel? Why not simply have this phrase once at the end of everything?
  16. Moshe put the Luchos in the Aron on Rosh Chodesh Nissan. However, he came down the mountain with them on Yom Kippur, the 10th of Tishrei. Where were they placed before moving them into the Aron?
  17. What is the significance of Sefer Shemos ending with the cloud and revelation of Hashem on the Mishkan?

Ideas for answers on the general parsha:

  1. The Vilna Gaon (Aderes Eliyohu, 36:8) brings that the building of the Mishkon is mentioned a total of seven times, to bring it down through the seven heavenly realms to this world.
  2. It is related to the word “Shochen” to “dwell” alluding to the residing of the Shechina there. Also, it is related to “Mashkon“, a “pledge” since its continued existence depends on the behaviour of the Jews.
  3. Perhaps they would have sinned and not merited Hashem’s Shechina. Therefore Moshe additionally blessed them. (Yalkut Reuveni)
  4. The Midrash brings that it was completed on the 25th of Kislev but was delayed and only put up properly on Rosh Chodesh Nissan. (See MB to O.C. 670:7)
  5. The Hamek Dovor brings that since only now were the sacrifices burnt up on it therefore it only got this new name when becoming fully functional.
  6. The Ramban (40:18) answers that since over here it is discussing the setting up of the Mishkon for the seven days of inauguration while the anointing only took place on the eighth day when the Mishkon was finally properly setup.
  7. The Ramban writes since they did not know that exact amount of gold covering each vessel. Another answer is that naturally the gold donated was not enough and it became enough through a miracle. Therefore the gold contributed exactly for what is not listed.
  8. The Hamek Dovor explains that the single form at the beginning refers to Betzalel who initiated it and the plural form then goes on the other professionals who took over and completed them.
  9. Moshe was the leader and it was only right that he should be given the privilege as well as it being a source of merit for the Jewish people to have such a great person doing it. In fact, the Mishkon was the only structure that we do not find got destroyed – because it was only handled by great Jewish people! Finishing something in a certain way is the most important act of the whole person since it makes the things complete – הכל נקרא אחר הגמר.
  10. The Ramban says it is because on the mizbayach were brough sacrifices that were called kodshei kodoshim. Additionally, besides for the anointing with oil that was done to all the vessels of the Mishkon, sprinkling was also done on the mizbayach.
  11. The Badim of the Aron was different to the poles of the other vessels seen in the fact that even after resting these poles remained in place. This means that the Badim were an intrinsic part of the bottom part of the Aron and therefore are mentioned together with it.
  12. Perhaps because the kiyor was used for washing before doing any avoda including working on the mizbayach.
  13. Since here during the seven days of inauguration of the Mishkon and on the first day Moshe also acted as a Kohen, therefore it is mentioned again here to include Moshe.
  14. The Tanchuma 11 explains that since Moshe was setting up and then collpasing the Mishkon for seven days, people might start thinking that Moshe was doing something wrong. Therefore after each vessel the possuk mentions the phrase how Moshe was simply carrying out the command of Hashem and not doing anything wrong.
  15. The Ramban brings that after the Luchos were brought down from the mountain, they were kept in a wooden box. Only now were they transfered into the Aron.
  16. See the Ramban in his introduction to Sefer Shemos. Sefer Shemos deals with exile in Mitzrayim and then redemption and Matan Torah. This is where Hashem’s Shechina resides in this world. This continued from Matan Torah onto the Mishkon as seen at the end of Sefer Shemos.