בס”ד 4 May 2024 - כ״ו בניסן ה׳תשפ״ד‎


What is teshuva?

Teshuva is translated as repentance. It comes from the root Shev, to return. Return where? Either it means to return back to the place you left or it means to turn away from the place you currently are. The goal is the same – to go back to the state of cleanliness before sinning.  This process is a difficult one but is needed and has many different levels.

Is it possible?

People turn around and ask the obvious. How is it possible to undo something that has already happened? How can you repent for murder when the victim cannot be revived? This question bothered the Jews when told off by the prophet Yechezkel. He had to tell them something convincing to make them believe that teshuva is a reality. To understand this we have to imagine what would it take us to be convinced of something that seems unlikely. We would be swayed in one of two ways. Either if an ordinary person would promise us it was true or someone who we respect immensely like the Godol HaDoir would say it. When it comes to teshuva, Yechezkel’s conviction comes with both – Hashem says it and with a promise! Teshuva is a reality.