בס”ד 4 May 2024 - כ״ו בניסן ה׳תשפ״ד‎


CharityThe Charity Scenario

David was in shul and heard the sound of collecting – the jingling of coins. He looked up to see the man, to get advanced warning of what type of person to think about how much charity he would give. Upon spotting the approaching man, his initial reaction was distaste at his appearance and so he decided not to give. At the same time he noticed another collector behind the other whom he did like the look of decided that he would give to him. As sometimes happens, the collectors mistakenly did some of their rounds again and approached David. He shrugged to the man’s outstretched arm and thought why should he give him again.

What comes out of this story?

This is just one example of an every day ocurrence. How many mitzvos are going on in this one story?   Stop and think and only then read further!

The first mitzva when meeting a fellow Jew is the positive mitzva to love him as yourself and also the negative mitzva, not to hate him in your heart. If the person is a convert then there is the additional positive mitzva of loving the ger. With regards to the actual act of tzedoka, charity, there are a few. One is the negative mitzva not to strengthen your heart and not give the pauper –  here this was because of dislike. There is the positive commandments:  giving to the needy is emulating the pathways of Hashem and opening one’s hand to give money. This includes giving again even if they ask a second time!