בס”ד 5 May 2024 - כ״ז בניסן ה׳תשפ״ד‎

Parshas Mishpotim Questions

question markQuestions on Parshas Mishpotim to think about and discuss:

  1. What Seder in Mishnayous mostly comes from Parshas Mishpotim?
  2. When else during the year do we read from Parshas Mishpotim?
  3. What are some of the mitzvos in Parshas Mishpotim that are relevant nowadays?
  4. It brings at the end of the parsha that Moshe went up to the mountain for forty days and nights to receive the Torah. What is the significance of the number forty?
  5. (22:17) We are commanded to kill magicians. Is there really such a power as magic?
  6. (23:8) A judge must not take a bribe. What is so terrible about it?
  7. (23:5) What is a special aspect found by the mitzvah of perika, unloading?
  8. If there are so many restrictions imposed when having a Jewish servant why then should anyone want to buy one?
  9. What is the understanding why the Jewish servant going free early when it comes a shemitta or Yovel year?
  10. The Jewish servant who wants to stay with his master has his ear pierced by the doorway. Which ear – right or left? Which part of the ear – ear lobe or other part? Why make a whole instead of something else and why done to the ear more than other part of the body?
  11. Moshe gave the Jews (24:7) the Sefer HaBris what is this?
  12. When Talmi told the Jews to translate the Torah into Greek they made ten changes. One of these appears in Parshas Mishpotim. What is it and why the need for the change?
  13. The Jews twice replied to accept the Torah. The first time (24:3) they say “Na’asa” and the second time (24:7) they say “Na’asa ViNishma“. Why the need for two different acceptances and why use different wording?

Ideas for answers on the general parsha:

  1. Seder Nezikim that deals with damages between people.
  2. On the second day of Chol Hamoed Pesach. This is the first time it mentions in the Torah the three festivals.
  3. Not to hit parents; to judge the four different types of people who guards things; not to cause any pain to any converts; to cease working on Shabbos; to judge a thief or damages done to people; to lend a poor man money; not to be involved in interest on loans; to help someone unload an overloaded burden; not to take bribery; not to cook milk and meat together.
  4. The number forty symbols spiritual change. This is seen here, the acceptance of the spiritual Torah. The mikva that provides spiritual cleansing must contain forty so’oh. The time for spiritual teshuva takes place over forty days from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Yom Kippur.
  5. The Rambam holds that magic is mere imagery while the Ramban holds that there is such a power as magic.
  6. It makes a person one with the other party meaning that subconsciously they will always side with that party.
  7. The Gemora (Bava Metzia 32b) brings that if a person sees his friend and enemy both needing assistance to unload their animal, he must first help his enemy in order to conquer his evil inclination!
  8. Perhaps only in order to do kindness to another Jew!