בס”ד 21 February 2025 - כ״ג בשבט ה׳תשפ״ה‎


sukkos, sukka, Arba MinimSukkos Commandments

Sukkos has some common commandments like other festivals – the positive mitzva of resting from work on the first day of Sukkos and the negative commandment of not doing work on the first day of sukkos as well as some unique ones. These are the positive commandments of living in a sukka for seven days of the festival and to take the Arba Minim on the first day of Sukkos (although the Rabbis extended it to be taken all seven days, zecher liChurban, to remember the destruction of the Beis Hamikdosh.

For more in depth understanding of Sukkos, see the following pages: