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22 February 2025 - כ״ד בשבט ה׳תשפ״ה
Questions on Parshas Vizos Habrocha to think about and discuss:
- What is the only parsha in the Torah not read on Shabbos?
- Moshe was told to write the Torah and give it to the Jews. In (34:5) it tells us that Moshe died. Who wrote this?
- What lies behind the order of the shevotim who were blessed by Moshe in Parshas Vizos Habrocha?
- Moshe at the start of Parshas Vizos Habrocha is described as (33:1) “Ish HoElokim” and then when he dies is described as (34:5) “Eved Hashem”. Why the need for two different descriptions and why are they changed before and after his death?
- in Parshas Vizos Habrocha (34:6) it brings that no human knows the burial place of Moshe. Why should this be so and what is the significance of this?
- What is the source of when wishing someone long life to say “bis/until 120”? Why stop at this number?
- We know how chazal learn out so many different things from the first word of the Torah. What then is the significance in the way the Torah finishes off?
- Moshe was buried in Eiver Hayarden. Why did he not ask for his bones to be taken into Eretz Yisroel like the Shevotim requested?
- What is the significance of the place where Moshe was buried – the mountain of Nevo?
- What is the significance of Moshe seeing Eretz Yisroel before he died?
- Which possuk from Parshas Vizos Habrocha is to be the first one taught to a child when the start speaking and why this one?
- With what form of death did Moshe die?
Ideas for answers on the general parsha:
- It is Parshas Vizos Habrocha since it is read on Simchas Torah and then immediately we start reading Parshas Bereishis that becomes the new parsha for the next Shabbos. Why then is this a cause for Parshas Vizos Habrocha to lose out on being read separately on a Shabbos?
- The Gemora Bava Basra 15a brings two opinions about who wrote the last eight pesukim in the Torah that talks about the death of Moshe. R’ Yehuda/R’ Nechemia hold that Yehoshua must have written them while R’ Shimon holds that Moshe wrote them with tears. According to all opinions these last eight pesukim are different in that they are read without stopping in between.
- Presumably it comes from Parshas Vizos Habrocha where Moshe dies at the age of 120. Perhaps why the age of Moshe is picked more than any other person is because besides for the old age he was also very healthy and did not die an ill person (34:7). Therefore the blessing of “bis 120” is twofold: old age and good health!
- Rabbeinu Bechai (Parshas Voeschanon 3:27) brings that it was for the benefit of all the Jews who are buried outside of Eretz Yisroel – like the generation of the desert and all other Jews in exile throughout the ages. They now can feel “comforted” and honoured that also a great person like Moshe is also buried outside of Eretz Yisroel.
- Perhaps the idea is that the name Nevo can be split – נבו=נ’בו to spell out that Nun that has the gematria of fifty is in it. The Gemora in Nedorim 38a brings that there are fifty gates of Bina, understanding, and Moshe could only fathom forty-nine of them whilst still alive. Thus, when he died, he was then able to grasp the fiftieth gate seen in the name of this mountain!
- The Gemora Sukka 42a brings it as the possuk of (33:4) “Torah tzivo lonu Moshe”.
- With the death known as Neshika – the same death as happened to Miriam and Aaron that Moshe had wanted for himself.
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