בס”ד 31 March 2025 - ב׳ בניסן ה׳תשפ״ה‎

Parshas Para Questions

question markQuestions on Parshas Para to think about and discuss:

  1. When is this read?
  2. What does it talk about?
  3. Why read it nowadays?
  4. Why is it always read the parsha after Purim?
  5. Why is Parshas Para before Parshas HaChodesh since chronologically it comes last (of the four Parshious)?
  6. Is the obligation to read it min haTorah?

Ideas for answers on Parshas Para:

  1. It is read the week after Purim.
  2. It talks about the Para Aduma from the beginning of Parshas Chukas. It was brought to be sprinkled and purify people who had tumas meis. It would enable them to be able to bring the korban Pesach in a purified state with the rest of the Jews.
  3. We read it nowadays to express our desire to be purified by Hashem.
  4. The Yerushalmi asks this (brought in Rashi to Mishna Megilla 29a). It answers since it comes to purify the Jews. What does this mean? …
  5. There is a dispute if the obligation to read it is min haTorah or only rabbinically.