בס”ד 21 February 2025 - כ״ג בשבט ה׳תשפ״ה‎

Time of Happiness

Zman Simchoseinu

One of the names for Sukkos is Zman Simchoseinu, Time of Happiness. Throughout the year we are meant to be happy and specially on all three festivals. Why then is Sukkos singled out to be given the name of Time of Happiness?

What is happiness?

There are many different hebrew words to describe happiness. The one used here is simcha. This refers to a constant state of happiness that is felt inwardly. The Maharal explains that simcha describes the emotion one feels when one is complete and does not lack anything. (To appreciate this one looks at the contrast by comparing it to its opposite: sadness and despair.) This happiness is in proportion to one’s connection to Hashem, The Source of all completeness. Chazal say that there is no simcha like the removal of doubts. Sin separates a person from completion and brings with it sadness and despair.

Happiness of Sukkos

All the festivals have levels of happiness since they are times when we come close to Hashem and feel completion. Sukkos is the only one that follows on from Yom Kippur and atonement from sin. With the removal of the barrier of sin there is an extra level of happiness as the connection to Hashem is all the more greater.

question markTime of Happiness Questions:

  1. Every festival comes together with the need to be happy. What is more special about the happiness of Sukkos?
  2. If Sukkos is a time of happiness then why do we read on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos Koheles that talks about the doom and gloom of life?
  3. What does it mean to be happy? How is this expressed and seen on Sukkos?
  4. Is the happiness of Sukkos due to living in a Sukka or since then we take the Arba Minim or both?
  5. Why use the word “simcha” as opposed to other hebrew words that describe happiness?

Ideas of answers on the Time of Happiness:

  1. See the paragraphs above.
  2. The reading of Koheles on Sukkos is specially done because it is a time of happiness! It is when people are happy then they are at risk of sinning and therefore need Koheles to remind them on the true outlook on life.
  3. I think the happiness is due to all these things combined…