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21 February 2025 - כ״ג בשבט ה׳תשפ״ה
Haggadah Questions
- What are the mitzvos of the seder night done by the Haggadah?
- Why is it called “Seder (order) night” when the things that happened then were extraordinary and miraculous?
- There are many things on the seder night that have to do with the number four. What are they and what is the significance of them being seen in the number four?
- Seder night is called “Leil Shemurim”. Why?
- How do we reflect the “Leil Shemurim” aspect in things that we do on the Seder night?
- What is the idea of the question and answer format found by the seder night?
- We are told throughout the year to remember leaving Mitzrayim. How then is the remembering it on seder night different?
- What actions do we do on seder night to express freedom?
- What is the dominant theme throughout the Haggadah?
- There are fifteen stages of the Seder night – From Kadesh to Nirze. What lies behind them?
- What is the significance of having three matzos?
- What is the significance of having four cups of wine?
- What lies behind opening the door during some parts of the Seder?
- What lies behind the custom of some people to wear a kittel for the Seder?
- Why do we lean to the left when drinking and eating for most of the Seder night?
- What lies behind mentioning the Four Sons in the Hagaddah?
- Why do we mention at the very end of the Haggadah all about numbers – from one to thirteen – in Achod Mi Yodeia?
- What is one of the main parts of the Haggadah and why this?
- Why do we only start the Seder by night and not earlier like on other festivals and Shabbos?
- Why do other people pour the wine and not just fill it up yourself?
- Why in the order of the three main things is Maror mentioned last?
- What restrictions are there on the afternoon before Seder night because of Seder night?
- Why when mentioned the Pesach offering we do not point at the meat on the Seder plate?
- Why do some people place the Seder plate items differently?
- What is the rule to remember of when to cover the matzos during the reciting of the Haggadah?
- There are four main pesukim that are then split up explaining their words with Chazal. What are these main pesukim about?
- Why do we start the story of the Exodus with tracing our ancestors with something bad – worshipping idols?
- Why lies behind the acronym of the ten plagues – דצ”ך עד”ש באח”ב?
- Why do we spill out some wine when mentioning the ten plagues?
- What does the word דיינו mean?
Haggadah Answers:
- On the first night of Pesach there are two positive commandments required by the Torah with an additional three mitzvos added by the Rabonon, Sages. The two positive Torah mitzvos are the eating of matza on the first night of Pesach and relating the story of the exodus from Egypt. The three additional rabbinical mitzvos on this night are the drinking of four cups of wine; the eating of the maror, bitter herbs; the reciting of the Hallel (Psalms of praise).
- The reality is that all things are miraculous only that we do not see it living in a world of teva, nature. Therefore the real order is what happened on Seder night.
- To name a few: four cups; four questions; four sons; four expressions of redemption. The idea of four expresses separation and spreading out, seen in the four directions. This idea expresses golus. However, the four expressions of Geula come to bring us back.
- The literal translation of “Leil Shemurim” is the “night that is guarded”. This reflects the nature of the miraculous night where the Jews are naturally protected from the evil forces. This was most clearly seen in Mitzrayim when the Jews left.
- Some places the Leil Shemurim aspect is seen in are: the shorted shema before going to bed (omitting the added versus that come to protect us from evil forces); we have four cups and are not worried about zugious; like this year when it falls Friday night the usual Mogon Ovos is omitted; salt is not put on the table before washing.
- It expresses the foundation of our belief – exile, reflected in the question where we lack clarity, and then the answer reflects the redemption when all becomes clear and is answered.
- Throughout the year it is a general remembrance. However, on Seder night when the same time in the year of the redemption happens we are required to discuss it much more in depth with the historical narrative. It also comes in a unique question and answer format.
- We do leaning; we have others pour us the four cups of wine; we are meant to put out our most expensive vessels on display.
- The most essential theme to remember and discuss is the unique and personal involvement of Hashem to the Jewish Nation. This is primarily seen in the answer to the four questions – in Avodim Hoyinu. The Jewish Nation was in danger of extinction, G-d forbid, but they were miraculously saved by Hashem. The Haggadah comes to bring out how Hashem’s miraculous intervention is seen throughout history – starting with Avrohom Ovinu.
- The three Matzos are seen as the basis of the male input of three in Judaism – this is seen in the three Avos and also in the three parts of the Jews – Kohanim, Leviyim and Yisroelim.
- The Four Cups of Wine are seen as the basis of the female input in Judaism, seen in the Four Matriarchs.
- Opening the door represents that this night is Leil Shemurim where the usual protection of the door is not needed. (However, nowadays since שכיחי הזיקא, robberies are common place, some people continue to close and even lock their doors on this night.)
- The white Kittel comes to remind us of freedom and purity and what the night is about.
- Leaning to the left is a sign of freedom, in the style how they used to eat. The left side is to prevent the food going into the air pipe.
- The Four sons come to teach us that there are different types of children and despite their differences we should strive to tell them about the Exodus and infuse the excitement of Judaism.
- Once we have finished the miracles of the Exodus we should then have absorbed the Jewish spirit. When a number is said we should straight away realize its significance by tracing that number in Judaism.
- Pesach, Matza and Morror – these are the main aspects of the Seder night. These express our slavery and journey ending in freedom.
- The Four Cups of wine need to be had by night. Kiddush is the first of these cups and therefore can only be said and had by night.
- Others pouring our cups is another sign of freedom and being treated like Royalty.
- Perhaps maror at the end is to teach us that it is the bitterness and suffering that get us to the end and final goal.
- We cannot have the matza to be eaten on Seder night so that it should be more eaten with more enjoyment/
- Nowadays we cannot slaughter the Korban Pesach not having the Beis Hamikdosh. We therefore are careful not to show anything that could look like it was slaughtered for Korban Pesach nowdays. This is seen in the not pointing at the part of the Seder plate that represents the Korban Pesach when saying allusions to the Korban Pesach in the Haggoda.
- According to the Rema the order of the Seder plate is done in such a way that the things used first are placed at the top and then downwards. However, according to Arizal there is a different order based on Kabbala.
- Whenever the cup of wine is raised then the matzos are covered.
- The four main pesukim in order: 1) Going down to Mitzrayim; 2) Servants in Egypt; 3) Calling out to Hashem for help; 4) Redemption.
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